Tariff Contract Costing
Eco Tools ensures you meet the two crucial objectives to tariff analysis; ensuring you are charged correctly on the actual usage and choosing the best contract on offer during negotiations for the forecast usage.
Key features of the Tariff & Contract Costing software includes:
- Checking for errors on received invoices
- Creating accurate models of contract offers
- Costing offers against forecast usage
- Maximise savings on future usage
- Costing of Importing and Exporting if self-generating
By providing two methods of entering and calculating costs, Eco Tools caters for both ‘combined’ tariffs where transmission costs
etc are aggregated into a simple unit cost tariff and for ‘pass-through’ tariffs. Even with ‘combined tariffs’, charges in addition to the unit costs can be specified such as Capacity or Supply charges and Climate Change (Environmental) charges.
‘Pass-through’ tariffs have all costs, including DuoS and TNUoS charges, passed from the distribution and meter operator to the end user and are individually identified and costed. Hence, Eco Tools provides the means to create custom tariffs as well as providing templates for the more common offerings. Each element of the charge can be specified and the layout can be ordered by the user to either mimic the invoices being received or to provide a clearer understanding of the charges.
In addition to costing against previous usage, Eco Tools has a comprehensive Targeting section. This allows users to create targets based on previous usage and then modify them for future changes on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Hence users can cost
future energy on forecast consumption and demand rates, employing control where savings can be made without detriment to production or operations.
ECO Tools Additional Features
Upon entering the initial page of Eco
Tools, a summary of the selected period,
meters and data is clearly displayed
together with over 8 separate analysis
elements. Data can be displayed as
energy, volume, cost and carbon or it can
be customised to suit. These features
allow the manager and team or tenant to
see an overview of usage or drill down to
identify the exact point of interest.
Energy and cost can be displayed per
meter on a day, week and monthly basis
per half hour (the shortest recording
element of the utilities). Individual targets
can be created (part of the system) and
overlayed to easily identify exceptions.
A complete section allows the user to
analyse the highest, lowest and average
usage for any day, period, month and
season. Further analysis and reports are
available for totals, months, years and
maximum demands.
The data collector can be accessed and
interrogated for usage in realtime. Upto 8
meter profiles can be selected to be
displayed with updates every minute if
directly connected to the meter or as data
is received via a non-direct route e.g. via